Betheny Zolt


A full cosmos of vocal range delivered with irresistible confidence.

February Recap…more and more VO!

by | Feb 28, 2021 | Voice Over News

February has absolutely ROCKED MY WORLD!!  It always feels like you’ve won the lottery every time your agent or manager calls you to say “you booked it!”.  In a world of “no’s”, each “yes” truly feels like you’ve won a gold metal in the olympics!  It’s that refreshing.  I have been super lucky that my agents have been able to provide me with so many opportunities. And now my management company, gets me even more.  Some days I spend hours auditioning in the booth.  Fifteen pieces of copy per day and some with multiple roles and characters.  In my early days, one of my agents said to me, “I want you to be the VO Artist who can’t leave her house because you have back to back bookings all day long”. Wow!   Yes please!!!!

With that being said…this month I had a lot of recordings going on.  Mazda booked me for more of their. training videos.  I booked an industrial video for T3 hair products. Woolite detergent booked me for a TV demo (these are always good because if they like the recording, they usually use you for the actual on air commercial). More recordings for SyFy channel promos.  I booked Toyota commercials from a different region than So Cal, through my management.  Younger, in it’s last push before it goes off the air, booked me for some promos and billboards.  I have been the voice of that show for seven seasons!  So sad to see it go, but those are the ebbs and flows of this business.  Onward and upwards!



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